Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Theme: Individual VS. Society

In the story there is one very important theme, and that theme is individual versus society. This theme show us how unfair the world really are. Also how some people are brave enough to rebel and go against their society. In this story, Romeo and Juliet are both from different family. Romeo's family hate Juliet's family and Juliet's family also hate Romeo's family. However, these two love each other, despite the fact that their family hate each other. At the end, they both die because their society do not let them live together. This show us a lot of things. It show us how society are unfair and how society can lead to bad decision.

First of all is that society are unfair. Society is very unfair, they judge base on the number of votes. They do not listen to other that do not have high in numbers. Even if they are right or wrong. This show us that societies are very unfair. Society can be a good thing, but it also can be a very bad thing it can ruin a person life. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet love each other. However their society do not accept their love just because of their hatred for each other. That decision of the society lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet. In the real world the bad things about society are somewhat like in Romeo and Juliet. People are being possess and control by their society. Their own life decisions are now in the hands of everyone in the society. They have less choice and their talents are being limited because of their society. The society do not let them do a lot of things so the talents and the choices of the people that are in the society are being limited.

Society can lead to bad decisions making. As you can tell from the story, the society are the cause of Romeo and Juliet death. Their society do not let them love each other so they die with each other and that is an example of society lead to bad decisions. In real life this also happen. If their society wanted them to do something bad then the chance of them doing it is very high. Because they want to fit in. They are scare of not fitting in, but that is not right. You should do what you wanted to do not what everyone else tell you to do. You are the one that make the decisions in your life and no one else can do it for you even your family. If you want to fit in with the society by doing something that is not good for you but you still do it to fit in. Then you have make the biggest mistake of your life. The things that you chose will affect your future, it may help or destroy you future. So do not be scare of not fitting in. Do no be scare of being different. After all it is your life, so it is your decisions so go and live your life like how you wanted it to be. Not how other wanted your life to be. Go out there and start being you. Because these different are what make us human.
